Friday, September 28, 2012

Bad Cop, No Doughnut...

Good morning!
I rolled out of bed this morning to drive my kids to school.  As is my custom, I pulled up in front of the school, and took 10 seconds to whisk my kids out of the car, give them a kiss and a hug, and get them off to school on time.  Morning are not my thing and so when I drive my kids to school in the morning, I feel like I'm doing a good thing...and getting a good start to my day.

Today, however, was my lucky day not my day.

As I jumped back into my car, a community services officer (is that really even a real police officer), pointed at me--signalling me to stop.  He then told me that he was writing me a traffic ticket because I had double parked and obstructed traffic.

The reality was that I was double parked, but I had not obstructed any traffic in the 10 seconds that I had stopped by car.  What was ironic, however, was that he then spent 10 minutes writing me a ticket--all the while my car continued to supposedly obstruct traffic. (I wish to point out in my defense that every car that came past during that time period was easily able to continue past.)

The officer was very polite.  As he handed me my ticket, he even wished me that this wouldn't ruin my day or that I'd have a better day.  Gee, thanks officer!  I didn't bother telling him that might have really made my day would have been to get off with just a warning.

At least, I have the right to challenge my ticket in court.  If only I knew a good lawyer!  I just don't think it's worth the time and energy to fight the $48 ticket.  As a highly educated white collar professional someone with a little common sense, I know that my chances of winning in court hinge solely on the desperate hope that the cop community services officer doesn't show up to the trial!

So I guess I'll just pay the fine.  It's too bad I decided to get such a "good start" to my day.  Maybe next time, I'll just sleep in!  :-/

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