Thursday, April 26, 2012

Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting...

After a fun afternoon at the dentist (seriously, I want to know who came up with the "brilliant" idea that Peach flavored fluoride was going to be "Ah-Mazing!"), I got home early only to be informed by J. that our oldest son, R., had a Tae-Kwan Do testing ceremony tonight.  She had some sort of girls outing, so I had no choice but to attend the kung fu event with all of the kids...

The testing ceremony started at about 4 p.m.  We got out of there at 8:30 p.m.  Dozens of kids got tested.  R.'s test lasted about 10 minutes.  That's about all you need to know about the evening....

Anyway, here's a couple of ideas for surviving your next Kung Fu event:
R. doing some sort of Kung Fu kick...but my favorite was his breaking the board in the video up top
1.  Get There Late
I got there about 6:30.  J. was a bit panicked that I would miss R.'s test.  Turns out I had about 45 minutes to kill.  Next time, I need a little bit better intel ahead of time.

2.  Leave Early
Actually, one of my friends did this.  He's the one that told me that he got there at 4 p.m.  Ouch!  He promised his daughter an ice cream cone if she ducked out of the the huge line for pictures following the test.  Best 99 cents he ever spent!
Another good reason to leave early--when the event rolls past bed time...
3.  Bring Your Own Entertainment
I brought a book.  Kudos to the random dude that brought his iPad and had his kid's eyes glued to a movie on that thing.  I really need to figure out how to download movies onto mine!

4.  Get By With A Little Help From Your Friends
Invariably, I always find another dad there that I know pretty well and it's fun to visit and catch up a little bit. I've even made a few new friends of my own with the dads that I keep seeing at these events.

5.  Have Some Great Kids
Despite playing Mr. Mom, tonight, I managed to juggle all three kids while J. was off at her event.  The kids and I really had a great time together...
These kids were great too!

5.  Stop At McDonald's On The Way Home
The boys wanted these fruit smoothies.  I tried the oatmeal.  E. demanded Chicken McNuggets.  When the Chicken Nuggets arrived, she wanted nothing to do with them.  I ate the nuggets and the oatmeal.

No sooner had I finished the last nugget, when she demanded nuggets again!  Tell me this hasn't happened to anyone else????


  1. The nugget story is classic..happens every time. I like the oatmeal at the Golden Arches but the oatmeal at Jamba is divine...seriously, try it! The Kung Fu event looked brutal. I don't understand why every family as to be there for the whole about giving time slots to show up? I am glad you had a book..I started Unbroken yesterday and am loving're's a page turner.

  2. Also, that is the best title ever and the first photo of R is awesome.
