Sunday, May 12, 2013

To My Mom...

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."

--Abraham Lincoln

Dear Mom--

That quote is for you.  I know it is one of your all-time favorites and that you love it.  I have come to love it too, not because Abraham Lincoln said it--but because it reminds me of you and what you mean to me.

I'm not sure how you managed to put up with me.  Or that you somehow managed to juggle so many kids at the same time.  I still remember being surprised during high school when I'd look up into the stands and see you in the bleachers at some half mostly empty gym at some podunk school in the middle of nowhere.  Now that I'm a parent, I realize what a sacrifice it was for you to make a trek like that to almost every game.

I also realize how your faith has shaped me and helped to develop my own testimony.  You taught me about the power of prayer--not because you told me about prayer--because I actually saw you on your knees praying.  You prayed with us and you prayed for us.  When I had a big test or an important interview, you would want to know when it was and you would find time to pray for me at the exact moment that I was taking my test or having that interview.  

As a child, I questioned your parenting methods.  As I got older, I grew to appreciate them.  Now that I'm a parent, I realize what I genius you were and I consider myself hopelessly ineffective as a parent when I compare myself to you.  You would read to me at night or sing me a lullaby to help me get to sleep.  I love being able to do the same thing for my kids.  I am constantly asking myself: "What would my mom do?" on virtually every single parenting question.

Mom, I love you and I wish that you were closer so that I could give you a big hug!  Thanks for being such a great example to me.




  1. Who doesn't love and admire and respect your mom? She is awesome! Great tribute to her.
