Sunday, March 17, 2013

Daddy Day Care

Okay, I know that technically it's not "daycare" or "babysitting" when it's your own kids, but it is rare for me to be in charge of all the kids by myself.  I got that chance Saturday morning.  Here's how the day went...

I had a basketball game at 8:00 a.m.  I know it's just Church basketball, but we have some really good players on the team and they are nice enough to make me feel like I actually contribute something when I come play.  But today, I didn't play.  At 7:15 a.m., I had to text my teammates to let them know I couldn't play because I was in charge of the kids.

S. had a Little League game at 9:00 a.m., which meant that he had to be at the field at 8 a.m.  I rushed him over there, but of course, E. didn't want to be left at home, so I brought her as well.  I had to pray the M. wouldn't wake up while I was gone.  I left R. in charge of M. in my absence, and hoped that the neighbors wouldn't call the cops to report that the children had been left home alone.  (Like they actually did one time!)
Ju-Ju-Be's Be Hip Bag--Perfect for Daddy Day Care

Then I came home to get the kids ready to go with me to the game.  R. wasn't feeling that great, so I made the executive decision to leave him at home.  I had actually been counting on him to help me with the younger kids at the game, so it wasn't great news that he couldn't make it.

It took a few minutes to find my Daddy Diaper Bag.  I bought it for myself in the run-up to Christmas and had it all stocked with everything that I thought I would need (i.e., diapers, formula, bottle, wipies, and plastic bags.)  Yes, I know that the color is a little boring, but apparently the most important thing in a bag is that it be wipeable--and this one is!  Ju-Ju-Be has really awesome colors and patterns for their bags, but as a guy, I'm really looking for something that isn't going to draw a lot of attention.  I need to remind myself to add a ball and some toys to the bag for our next outing.  Otherwise, this was perfect!

I got a call from my parents in Colombia on the way to the game.  I don't get to talk to them as much as I'd like, so I found myself carting M. in one arm and a diaper bag, folding chair, and E.'s hand in the other as we walked up to the game.  I probably shouldn't give myself too much credit for that balancing act though.  I have a sneaking suspicion that moms do that all the time.

My cell phone dropped my parents' call as we actually reached the field, which may have been a good thing because I had plenty to keep me busy once we got there.

I got to spend a lot of time holding M., which was actually pretty fun.  He is growing so fast and he's not going to be little for very much longer.  He is definitely our biggest kid and has a pretty healthy appetite.
M. playing with one of our neighbors
I got to put my diaper bag through its paces at the game.  M. needed a diaper change and I totally had it nailed.  The Ju-Ju-Be bag comes with a memory foam changing pad and I threw that down and took care of business.  The plastic bags came in super-handy as well (what would I ever do if those things ever get banned???).  I'm feeling really good about the diaper bag and I'm excited to use it again.
Doesn't M. look comfy?
We had this cute grandma and grandpa couple next to us as well as some of the other moms and they kept on remarking on what a good baby M. was and how cute he was.  What could I say?  I couldn't agree more!  I felt like I had this baby-watching stuff totally under control.
I think E. dressed herself this morning.  But I still think she looks cute!
I admit being pretty focused on M. while E. played on the small playground right behind us.  I remember E. coming over a couple of times to check in with me and I was kind of congratulating myself on how well things were going.  Famous last words...

A few minutes after I took those pictures above, I decided to check in on E.  I looked for her at the playground.  Couldn't see her.  I started calling her name, but there was no response.  I wasn't too worried, but went to check the bathrooms.  Both of them.  Nada.  I went to the soccer field next door--calling her name increasingly more loudly and with increasingly more urgency.  No one had seen her.  I couldn't see her.  My pace quickened as I started checking the far side of the baseball field--she was nowhere in sight.

I completed my circuit and got back to the playground.  I was holding back the panic and was wondering if it was too late to call 911.  My calls for E. had attracted the attention of some of the other moms at the game.  Even though I hadn't asked for their help, they were jumping in to aid me and I could tell that they were concerned as well.  It actually gave me some comfort.

Just when I was ready to give in to utter panic, I spotted E.  She was on the playground at the bottom of the twisty, covered slide.  Apparently when I was looking for her, she had been playing inside the slide and either didn't hear me or didn't respond.  I told her how scared I was and that she needed to always be somewhere where she could see me.  I felt a little silly that it ultimately turned into a false alarm, but the experience made me realize how quickly something bad could happen.  I need to make sure I keep an eye on them!
I think M. is tired.  :-)
Have I mentioned how long these Little League games can be?  M. was an absolute angel, but toward the end (and after the excitement having me carry him around the field in our search for E.), M. started to get tired and would bury his head in my chest.  It was very cute.

Once the game was over, we loaded up the car and I decided to take the kids to Chick-Fil-A to get everybody lunch (and take advantage of our 50% discount).  I had a sneaking suspicion that M. was not going to make it all the way home.  I was right.
My little angel
I got the kids home, made sure they were fed, put M. in bed to continue his nap, and sat down on my bed for a second.  And I woke up 4 hours later!  Apparently, M. wasn't the only one who was wiped out by the morning's events.  Watching the kids is exhausting!  How do you moms manage to do this


  1. I loved hearing about your day with the kids. I am impressed with your nappy bag ... Very profession . We lost lucy once ... It's the stuff of nightmares. All your babies are so gorgeous looking !!!

  2. You are so so funny that you took a four hour nap. You must have gone to bed late. I love those pictures of M! He has gotten so so big.

  3. R., I just sat down and was out. It happens sometimes as I tend to just go and go until my body forces me to take a break. I didn't even realize that I was particularly tired before that.

  4. Elizabeth, thanks, you are so nice to say that about my kids. I'm glad they're mine! :-)

  5. Hi Greg, read the story and found it really interesting. I am mother and i know what it feels when you are tired but still have to take care of kids. I tried to enroll for a Day Care in Hyderabad but didn't had guts to keep the child away from me. I know how you must have felt when E was not there in front of you. This actually happens to us, when we are in kitchen with kids in the Main room and when you are done with cooking and come back to the main room and when you see that kids are not there in Main room. I searched for them for more than 40 minutes and lately you see the kids come walking in the main room and you get a good sigh of relief. Thanks for sharing such post and its better to keep your kids within your eyesight.

  6. Linet, thanks for your comment. It's amazing how quickly those kids can disappear! How did you manage to come across my blog? Please feel free to come back to visit!

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