Monday, February 6, 2012

Grandpa Richards

Grandpa Richards was born February 6, 1886
My mom emailed us today to remind us that my great-grandpa LeGrand Richards had a birthday today.  He passed away in 1983 at the age of 96!  I was only 8 at the time, but I still remember going to his funeral.

My mom reminded our family that we need to remember him and they example that he set for our family.

My mom's email reminded me of this picture that my cousin texted me last month.  My cousin LeGrand (guess who he was named after??) found this picture while cleaning out the family barn in Mesa.  What's cool about the picture is that LeGrand picked up the picture while still wearing his work gloves and took a pic on his phone and then texted it to me hundreds of miles away in California!  Isn't technology amazing!!

I love him for sending this to me because it has me, my sister (wearing the hat), and my "little brother" (in red) visiting Grandpa Richards' office in Salt Lake along with our Shill cousins (from L --> R: Emily, Sally, LeGrand, and Jon).

As a kid, I idolized the Shill cousins who were all older than I was.  Maybe they knew how much I looked up to them, but probably not.  The truth is that I still look up to them and admire and love them today!

Who would have guessed that this photograph, taken over 30 years ago, would have a future Air Force fighter pilot, two future doctors, three amazing mothers, and me sitting at the desk of an apostle?  I'm grateful to be part of such an wonderful family!


  1. I love that picture. Thanks for pointing out who's who, I can totally tell who everyone that you point them out. I'm proud to be part of the wonderful Dyer family too!

  2. I love that so much!! Thank you for sharing. Everyone looks so cute. (Can you do another one of these for Grandma's birthday on Wed???)


  3. So fun. I love this picture, and it is amazing to see what everyone has done!

  4. I love, love, love this post. Thanks for being the best cousin ever!

  5. This is very sweet. And who would guessed you are General Apostle royalty? :)

    I love looking at old pictures of my cousins and I when we were small; they bring back such happy memories.

  6. Old family pics are the best. We went back to our home town for the weekend and we talked a lot about family, especially my Nanna who was born in 1908.
    Wow LeGrand is a very flash name.

  7. You forgot to mention that you are a kick butt trial atty in Newport beach...not a bad bunch of people. And I could totally tell which one was you! And Scott was a very cute little boy. How neat to have such a great ancestor!
