Thursday, March 1, 2012

Safe and Sound

It can't be T. Swizzle every month, but this month it can and this month it is.

This is from the soundtrack to The Hunger Games, which opens this month.  The vocals are hauntingly beautiful.


  1. The Swifty, The band Perry ... your music taste is very very good.
    I haven't read the Hunger Games (I think I am the last person on earth not too)and now its a movie!
    Have you read it?

  2. Thanks Elizabeth! :)

    I've read every book in the Hunger Games trilogy. The first two are amazing--really, really good. I would definitely recommend them. The third book gets a little weird--I really didn't enjoy it as much as the first two. You should read the first book at least if you haven't already!

  3. righteous
    (can't wait for the movie)

  4. I do like this song. It very different than her other stuff. She's so classy and talented.

  5. Lance...we should go see it together!

    Kaari...I'm glad that you like it. But I have to wonder if you're mocking T-Swizzle with your "classy" comment. We have a joke in my family that to say that someone has a lot of "class" is a good compliment. To call someone a "classy" (like a "classy lady") pretty much means that they have no class.
