Thursday, November 17, 2011

The 10 Commandments of [Male] Fashion

A couple of months ago, I did a post about some of The Rules that I follow regarding fashion.  It got a lot of great comments.

So I've been thinking about fashion a little bit lately and I decided that I ought to add three additional "Rules" to the previous seven so that I could have an even "10 Commandments of Male Fashion."

As I share these "commandments," keep in mind that I am not a fashion expert.  If you don't believe me, just ask my wife.  I know that she is (not-so-secretly) horrified at some of my fashion choices.  But as ignorant as I may be, even I know enough to not blunder into these fashion disasters.

Here briefly are the First Seven Commandments:

#1 - Always wear a belt (unless wearing suspenders).
#2 - The color of your belt should match the color of your shoes.
#3 - Wrinkly dress shirts look terrible. Save yourself lots of time and headache by just buying a good quality non-iron dress shirt.
#4 - In casual or social situations, it’s generally not a good idea to tuck in your shirt..
#5 - Pants should not look like this (yes, I know these are women, but that still doesn’tmake it look any better. Trust me, it looks worse on a man):
#6 - Wear socks or sandals—not both.
#7 - The color of your socks should match the color of your pants.

And The Final Three:

#8 - Wifebeaters Are For Wife Beaters...Rednecks.
You Might Be a Redneck If...
...You Actually Think You Look Good In One of These.
Your Honor, I rest my case.
It actually boggles my mind that anyone actually wears these at all.  They don't look good when they are worn as the "outer layer."

Nor do they look good when they are worn as an undershirt beneath a dress shirt, for example.

 It seems like the reason for wearing one is to convince the world that you are a "tough guy."

For my money, I'd say that they just make the wearer look like a thug.

Were these ever in style?  I can't remember it in my lifetime.  I've always thought that they looked bad.  Does anyone ever actually like to wear one or think that their husband/boyfriend/significant other does look good in one?  I'd be shocked if the answer was not a resounding "No."
Sorry Mr. Putin...
This guy appears to have more than a passing
resemblance to Jeff Foxworthy.
 #9 - Unless Your Initials Are MJ, Don't Wear White Socks With Your Dress Pants.
Most dress pants tend to be dark in color.  Wearing white socks with dark slacks and/or dress shoes is a no-no in part because you might as well be walking around with a strobe light on your ankles.  The eye is drawn to it--and not in a good way.

Some would argue that wearing white socks with jeans is verboten as well.  I disagree, but I could be wrong about that.  It's been known to happen from time to time!  ;)
Where's the Flood?  This Guy Is Guilty of Violating
Several Commandments--Including #4 and #9.
I mean I get it, dress socks are not comfortable, but nothing says, "I don't really know how to dress myself" quite like committing this fashion faux pas.  Just don't do it.  You'll thank me for it.

#10 - When In Doubt, It's Better To Be Overdressed Rather Than Underdressed.

Gratuitous Shot from the Ocean's 11 Premiere
No, you don't have to wear a tuxedo to every event, but it's a lot easier to shed your jacket, lose the tie, and unbutton your top button that it is to dress yourself up at the last minute.

I remember once I went to a professional luncheon and wore a nice pair of dress slacks and a dress shirt--no tie or coat.  I got to the luncheon and realized that everyone there was wearing a coat and most were wearing a tie.  I was out of luck and was miserable the whole time because I felt like I stood out like a sore thumb.  I made sure to have a coat and tie for the next time I went to that event.

Anyway, feel free to chime in with any of your tried and true fashion commandments.  I promise to pay careful attention because I could use the help!


  1. Good advice...I don't care for white socks with anything except workout clothes but that is just me. I don't like men in turtlenecks, v necks or white pants..basically anything effeminate. I also don't care for guys that wear anything bedazzled especially jeans...believe happens.

  2. Black socks are best! At least...they're Lance's favorite. (Even when he's playing basketball with his white bball shoes...)

  3. This is awesome. I think 10 is the best rule yet. I love the title to the Ocean's 11 photo.

    So I am going to come across totally trashy right now, but sometimes to work out my husband throws on a wifebeater and I think it's hot. But only to work out and not to parade around town. I also think a good tight white t-shirt is essential menswear...Think Marlon Brando. :)

  4. Nicole--

    I like to wear black socks with my black basketball shoes, but Lance's black socks do not look good with white shoes. I will tell him that in person tomorrow! :)

  5. Em--

    If you and Chuche both like it, then you should go for it! Hopefully you mean the young Marlon Brando though! ;)

  6. Brooke--

    Who is out there bedazzling their own jeans? Do they really sell male jeans that come pre-bedazzled?

    While I believe that whites and blacks go with anything, and should hence be a staple of any closet, I agree with you on white pants for men.

    I also think white pants are problematic for men. (The exception might be dress whites for Navy personnel.)

    Not only do white pants stain easily, but I think that it looks weird to have darker colors on top. It looks better to have lighter colors on top and darker on the bottom of an outfit.
    At least for guys.

    I offer no opinion on the fairer sex wearing white pants. But there is some sort of rule about not wearing white after Memorial Day or something like that. Does that apply to pants?
