Thursday, October 25, 2012

Twas the Night Before Pumpkinman...

'Twas the night before Pumpkinman, when all through my room
Not a creature was stirring, as I dreamed of my costume;
My transition bags had been laid out with care,
In hopes that on race morning I wouldn't have to prepare;

And I was all nestled, all snug in my bed,
While visions of Gatorade and a personal best danced in my head;
When my brother arrived late and put on his striped convict cap,
Just as I had settled down for what I hoped was more than a nap,

When out of my phone there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the lobby I flew like a flash,
Grabbed my brother's gear and was glad he hadn't crashed;

On race morning, we spoke not a word, but went straight to our work,
We prayed that the water wouldn't have any strange quirks,
After the swim, we mounted our bikes,
And rode on and on, up the hill nobody likes;

Then sprang from our bikes to run through Boulder City,
Trying hard not to puke, that wouldn't have looked pretty,
But I heard us exclaim, as we crossed the finish line,
"Happy Pumpkinman to all, and to all a fast time!"
Exhausted, but glad to be done!


  1. Impressive poem Greg. Very clever. You and Scott look great...and so much alike in these pictures. Congrats on finishing again!

  2. Cool poem! And cooler costume! Wish i could have been there to cheer you on!
