Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ward Trunk-Or-Treat

E dressed up as a super cute puppy!
We are officially back in our home ward (local church congregation) now and our ward had its "Trunk-Or-Treat" party tonight.  I met the kids there after work.  In honor of The Mostess, here's a straight photo dump of the night's festivities and the kids' cute costumes.

I love our cute little pumpkin!

I love this picture of E!  :-)


  1. You guys all look so cute. Baby pumpkin M is so adorable in that photo and of course, E steals the show as the puppy. But I have to give props to Julie for her rockin 80's get up. That is sweet. I think I have seen the Where's Waldo somewhere before...

  2. Excellent photo dump! You all look great especially the cutest puppy in the world and your rocking 80's chick :-)
    Was one of your boys dressed as himself? Very clever.

  3. Brooke, thanks for the kind words. What can I say but that I agree with each and every one of your comments. You are totally right!

    Elizabeth, S.went as a spy. We may have to punch up his costume a bit, but I think he still had a lot of fun tonight! :)

  4. Adorable--all of you!!

    Love the puppy. :)
