Monday, July 8, 2013

Bear Lake

This is my view right now. It's pretty relaxing. Bear Lake is known for being cold and having beautiful azure blue waters. This picture probably doesn't do it justice, but I love it's deep blue waters. 

I haven't actually gotten in yet, so I can't vouch for the temperature, but I'm sure it'll be nice and refreshing. Especially compared to the 110+ degree temps that I braved over the past two days on the drive here. 

This morning, as I walked along the beach of the lake, I was reminded of a quote that is prominently featured on my sister's blog:

"The cure for everything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea."
--Isak Dinesen

The quote is mostly true. Some problems can be worked through. I imagine that dime can be cried through--at least in part. But many may need healing. And salt water can heal both physical ailments as well as other ones. 

This morning, I watched the sandpipers race along the shore and listened to their shrill cries.  I enjoyed the sparkling light of the rising sun as it reflected off the gently rippling waters. 

The stress and tensions of my work and daily life seemed a million miles away. Perhaps that is because they are--given that I'm tucked away in this remote corner of the Rocky Mountains, where cl service and this little known thing called the "Internet" appear to be all but unknown. 

But perhaps it's also because these crystal blue waters--while they may not contain salt--may also have the capacity to heal.  

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