Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!
As I contemplate the 4th of July (our nation's Independence Day) this year, I think back to my post that I did last year.  It had the exact same title which either proves that I totally lack creativity or that good ideas never go out of style.  ;-)

But I'm so glad that I jumped into that pool 3 years ago.  I feel like somehow that that was an important moment in my life.  Independence Day can be more than just a time when we (rightfully and importantly) celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans.  It can be a time when we celebrate our own freedoms as well--freedom from bad habits that need to be changed, the freedom to improve ourselves, and the freedom to seek search for happiness and joy in our lives.  I think that my decision to jump into that pool helped put me on the path to all of those things.

Freedom doesn't come easily.  Remember the children of Israel?  Moses led them out of Egypt in a dramatic, triumphant, and miraculous way that saw the complete destruction of the mighty army of Pharoah.  But soon thereafter, the people began to murmur and complain because they were hungry and wished that they were back in bondage, in Egypt, where they had their "flesh pots" and plenty of bread.  (Exodus 16:3).  A merciful Heavenly Father sent them manna from heaven to feed them.
Manna from heaven
The children of Israel had security and were not hungry--but they were also not free.  Once they received their freedom, they didn't always value it.  Being free isn't the same thing as being secure--at least in the short term.  In the long run, freedom does lead to stability and prosperity.  We need to exercise faith that when we do what is right we will be blessed--even if we don't know exactly how (or when) those blessings will come.  The children of Israel were better off with their freedom--even if they didn't realize it at the time.  But the Lord knew it and He helped them by (ultimately) leading them to the Promised Land, where they had freedom, security, and prosperity (as long as they were righteous).
Protestors in Cairo's Tahrir Square
I'm also inspired by people around the world that are desperately seeking the basic freedoms that we often don't even think about in this country.  For example, this very moment, the people of Egypt are demonstrating to demand the right to religious freedom in their country--to worship how they choose.  They are also seeking the freedom to have economic opportunity.  And they are seeking that freedom at potential great risk to themselves (and in defiance to current U.S. policy which inexplicably is apparently threatening to withdraw U.S. aid if they demonstrators are successful.)  I saw one Egyptian woman who was interviewed and told the camera that they U.S. could keep its money--the Egyptian people wanted their freedom.  They know that with freedom will ultimately come stability and prosperity.

I'm grateful today for the freedoms that I enjoy both as an American and (more importantly) as a child of God.  Like the children of Israel, I may not know the exact route that the Lord intends for me to travel, but I hope that I am always grateful for my freedoms.  We are expected to use those freedoms to make wise, good choices.  I made a good choice 3 years ago when I decided to basically learn how to swim so that I could do a triathlon.  I hope that I will continue to make good choices.

So that's what I'm thinking about this morning on Independence Day (and I'm also thinking that some good food would be nice too!).  What are you thinking about today?
Gratuitous photo of my "Rugrats" in action....

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